About me

Statistician and data scientist with strong interest in environmental sciene

I am currently an Associate Professor (Reader) in Statistics and Data Analytics at the University of Glasgow (School of Mathematics and Statistics). Previously, I was an assistant professor of Big Geospatial Data at the Leibniz University Hannover (Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics) from 2018 to 2023. For one year, in 2020-2021, I was the interim (full) professor of Spatial Data Analysis and Statistical Learning at the University of Göttingen. Before that, I led the junior research group Detection and Surveillance of Spatial and Spatiotemporal Clusters at the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION at the European University in Frankfurt (Oder), where I also did my Ph.D. in statistics in 2016.

In my main research area (topic T.10087 "Maximum Likelihood Method, Panel Data Model, Spatial Econometrics"), I am currently ranked 6th worldwide on Scopus and 1st among UK researchers (rated as top 6% scientists with their first publication in 2016 on ResearchGate, across all disciplines).

I am honoured to be a part of Carl Friedrich Gauss's academic lineage in the 9th generation, joining the group of 113,184 individuals who have followed in his scholarly footsteps (The Mathematics Genealogy Project). You can find my full academic genealogy here.

Some news

Below I update from time to time some news from my research, my externally funded projects and teaching.

New funding - Call for applications

I am looking for new research assistants (PhD students) for the project "Time series analysis of historical maps." The project deals with statistical modelling of geo-referenced time series from historical maps, mainly generalised additive models.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me by email (attaching your current CV and references, such as papers, theses, etc., if available).

Teaching concept - Research seminar

Inspired by the concept of Johannssen, A., N. Chukhrova, F. Schmal and K. Stabenow (2021): Statistical Literacy – Misuse of Statistics and its Consequences (Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, 29(1), pp. 54–62.), I now teach my seminar on "Monitoring of Spatiotemporal and Network Data" in a research format, including writing a small scientific paper, double-blind peer reviews, revision process and colloquium presentation.