Spatiotemporal stochastic volatility model -- Environmental risk modelling

In this live script, we demonstrate the usage of the dynamic stochastic volatility model using an empirical example from environmental science. As for applications in financial economics, the volatility of the process can be interpreted as risks (i.e., environmental risks in our case).
The full paper can be found on arXiv: arXiv:2211.03178

Load packages, functions and Agrimonia dataset

We analyze the variation of fine dust concentrations of particles having a diameter less than 10 micrometers, PM10, in Lombardy, Northern Italy. Bounded by the Alps to the west, the region experiences reduced wind circulation, contributing to Lombardy being among the European regions with the lowest air quality. We use the daily PM10 concentrations from 1.1.2021 to 31.12.2021 from the official monitoring stations of the regional environmental authority, ARPA Lombardia. The data are open-source provided by the Agrimonia project: (10.5281/zenodo.7956006).
clear all;
agrimonia = AgrImOnIADataset;

Reshaping of data, imputation and standardization

time = agrimonia.Time;
t = length(unique(time));
n = length(unique(agrimonia.IDStations));
locations = unique(agrimonia.IDStations);
coords = zeros(n, 3);
for i = 1:length(locations)
idx = find(agrimonia.IDStations == locations(i));
coords(i, 1) = i;
coords(i, 2) = agrimonia.Latitude(idx(1));
coords(i, 3) = agrimonia.Longitude(idx(1));
ymat = reshape(agrimonia.AQ_pm10, t, n)';
t2 = 2192;
t1 = 1827;
ymat = ymat(:, (t1+1):t2);
n2ind = find(mean(isnan(ymat), 2) ~= 1);
n2 = size(n2ind, 1);
ymat = ymat(n2ind, :);
ymat(isnan(ymat)) = nanmean(ymat, "all"); % na imputation
ymat(ymat == 0) = min(ymat(ymat > 0));
y = reshape(ymat, n2*(t2-t1), []); % reshape
covmat_blhmax = (reshape(agrimonia.WE_blh_layer_max, t, n)' - mean(agrimonia.WE_blh_layer_max, "all")) / sqrt(var(agrimonia.WE_blh_layer_max));
covmat_temp = (reshape(agrimonia.WE_temp_2m, t, n)' - mean(agrimonia.WE_temp_2m, "all")) / sqrt(var(agrimonia.WE_temp_2m));
covmat_humid = (reshape(agrimonia.WE_rh_mean, t, n)' - mean(agrimonia.WE_rh_mean, "all")) / sqrt(var(agrimonia.WE_rh_mean));
covmat_press = (reshape(agrimonia.WE_surface_pressure, t, n)' - mean(agrimonia.WE_surface_pressure, "all")) / sqrt(var(agrimonia.WE_surface_pressure));
x = [ reshape(covmat_blhmax, n*t, []) reshape(covmat_temp, n*t, []) reshape(covmat_humid, n*t, []) reshape(covmat_press, n*t, [])]; % nT x p-dimensional matrix of regressors
xmat = reshape(x, n, t, 4);
xmat = xmat(n2ind, (t1+1):t2, :);
x = reshape(xmat, n2*(t2-t1), 4);
distmatfull = distance_miles(coords(:, 2), coords(:, 3));
coordsfull = coords;
coords = coordsfull(n2ind, :);
distmat = distance_miles(coords(:, 2), coords(:, 3));

Descriptive plots

time_idx = string(unique(time));
ts1 = timeseries(median(ymat, 1), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts2 = timeseries(quantile(ymat, 0.05, 1), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts3 = timeseries(quantile(ymat, 0.95, 1), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts1.Name = 'PM10 concentrations';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts1.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
ts2.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts2.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts2.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
ts3.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts3.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts3.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
p1 = plot(ts1, "-", 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
plot(ts2, "--", 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
plot(ts3, "--", 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
grid on;
hold off;
title('Median PM10 Concentrations','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
p2 = geoscatter(coords(:,2)', coords(:,3)', 50, median(ymat, 2), "filled");
geobasemap 'street';
hold off;
title('Median PM10 Concentrations','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
p3 = geoscatter(coords(:,2)', coords(:,3)', 50, std(ymat'), "filled");
geobasemap 'street';
hold off;
title('Standard Deviation of PM10 Concentrations','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');

Selection of the spatial weight matrix

distance_cuts = [5:5:10, 10:2:35, 35:5:80];
rsq = zeros(2, max(size(distance_cuts))); % 2d array (invdist/binary, sequence of distances)
for cut_off = 1:max(size(distance_cuts))
% binary case
W = distmat < distance_cuts(cut_off) & distmat > 0;
n = size(W, 2);
nterm = sum(W, 2);
nterm = nterm + (nterm==0);
W = W ./ nterm;
info.model = 3; % 1 spatial fixed effects (x may not contain an intercept)
results = sdm_panel_FE(y, x, W, t2-t1, info);
rsq(1, cut_off) = results.sige;
% inverse distance
W = distmat < distance_cuts(cut_off) & distmat > 0;
W = W .* (1 ./ distmat);
n = size(W, 2);
W(find(eye(size(W)))) = zeros(n,1);
nterm = sum(W, 2);
nterm = nterm + (nterm==0);
W = W ./ nterm;
info.model = 3; % 1 spatial fixed effects (x may not contain an intercept)
results = sdm_panel_FE(y, x, W, t2-t1, info);
rsq(2, cut_off) = results.sige;
weighting_scheme = plot(distance_cuts, rsq(1,:), "-o", col = "blue"); hold on
[M,IA] = min(rsq(1,:))
M = 57.1194
IA = 6
xline(distance_cuts(IA), "--", 'Color', "b")
plot(distance_cuts, rsq(2,:), "-o", 'Color', "r");
[M,IB] = min(rsq(2,:))
M = 52.9782
IB = 12
xline(distance_cuts(IB), "--", 'Color', "r")
legend("Row-standardised binary weights", "Optimum = " + string(distance_cuts(IA)) + "mi", "Row-standardised inverse distance weights", "Optimum = " + string(distance_cuts(IB)) + "mi")
xlabel("Cut-off distance in miles")
ylabel("Standard deviation of residuals")
hold off;
IB = 14; % note that the optimal cut-off distance depends on the numerical optimization in the estimation and many cut-off distance around the optimum lead to very similar results;
% thus, the optimum may vary when repeatedly executing the code
W = distmat < distance_cuts(IB) & distmat > 0;
nterm = sum(W, 2);
ans = 21.0485
W = W .* (1 ./ distmat);
[junk n] = size(W);
W(find(eye(size(W)))) = zeros(n,1);
nterm = sum(W, 2);
nterm = nterm + (nterm==0);
W = W ./ nterm;
1 - sum(W ~= 0, "all") / n^2
ans = 0.7956

Mean model estimation

info.model = 3; % spatiotemporal fixed effects
results = sdm_panel_FE(y, x, W, t2-t1, info);
vnames = strvcat('PM10 concentrations', 'Boundary layer height (max)','Air temperature','Relative humidity','Air pressure');
prt_panel(results, vnames)
Homoscedastic model MaxLike SDM model with both region and time period fixed effects Dependent Variable = PM10 concentrations R-squared = 0.8162 corr-squared = 0.0121 sigma^2 = 53.2209 Nobs,Nvar,#FE = 37595, 8, 468 log-likelihood = -130054.28 # of iterations = 18 min and max rho = -1.0000, 1.0000 total time in secs = 0.3696 time for lndet = 0.0047 Pace and Barry, 1999 MC lndet approximation used order for MC appr = 50 iter for MC appr = 30 *************************************************************** Variable Coefficient Asymptot t-stat z-probability Boundary layer height (max) -0.298873 -0.853461 0.393404 Air temperature -6.778210 -5.690340 0.000000 Relative humidity 1.837893 6.725601 0.000000 Air pressure 35.676692 8.554879 0.000000 W-Boundary layer height (max) 0.273217 0.643633 0.519814 W-Air temperature 6.919230 4.852370 0.000001 W-Relative humidity -1.655556 -4.970305 0.000001 W-Air pressure -30.825325 -6.107943 0.000000 rho 0.648946 134.221938 0.000000 Direct Coefficient t-stat t-prob lower 05 upper 95 Boundary layer height (max) -0.281777 -0.867070 0.387919 -0.942588 0.363230 Air temperature -6.342183 -5.755917 0.000000 -8.406223 -4.104213 Relative humidity 1.753628 6.979338 0.000000 1.261463 2.280891 Air pressure 34.508257 8.883559 0.000000 27.288481 42.173723 Indirect Coefficient t-stat t-prob lower 05 upper 95 Boundary layer height (max) 0.215383 0.363419 0.717037 -0.935051 1.328597 Air temperature 6.751836 3.478205 0.000741 2.864978 10.489767 Relative humidity -1.218508 -2.574665 0.011455 -2.154607 -0.305027 Air pressure -20.802138 -2.781209 0.006441 -36.369619 -6.926883 Total Coefficient t-stat t-prob lower 05 upper 95 Boundary layer height (max) -0.066393 -0.156456 0.875980 -0.935602 0.769222 Air temperature 0.409652 0.295854 0.767937 -2.463757 3.037626 Relative humidity 0.535120 1.459383 0.147503 -0.243859 1.234374 Air pressure 13.706118 2.356718 0.020328 1.654099 24.788980
residuals = results.resid;
yhat = results.yhat;
time_idx = string(unique(time));
ts1 = timeseries(results.tfe, char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts1.Name = 'Time fixed effects';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts1.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
tfe = plot(ts1, "-", 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
grid on;
hold off;
title('Time fixed effects','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
sfe = geoscatter(coords(:,2)', coords(:,3)', 50, results.sfe, "filled");hold on;
geobasemap 'streets-light';
hold off;
title('Spatial fixed effects','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');

SVM model

The MCMC algorithm PSSV_10MH_packg is shown below in the last section of this file.
R1 = 2000; % burnins
R2 = 4000; % keepers
n = n2;
T = t2-t1;
N = n*T;
sigu2ini = 1.01;
rhoini = [0.01; 0.2; 0.01];
muhini = (-1) .* ones([n 1]);
a0 = 0.01; % shape
b0 = 0.01; % scale
tau0 = 1;
mh0 = zeros([n 1]);
iVmh0 = 0.01.*speye(n);
hhini = log(var(residuals)).*ones([N 1]);
% Note that the estimation of the results needs a reasonable amount of
% memory (10.5GB) and time (approx 10 hours)
%[Sdr, hdr, sigu2dr, muhdr, rhodr, count_rho] = PSSV_10MH_packg(residuals, W, R1, R2,...
% a0, b0, mh0, iVmh0, tau0, hhini, rhoini, sigu2ini, muhini);
% median(mean(muhdr, 1))
% [ quantile(mean(muhdr, 1), 0.025) , quantile(mean(muhdr, 1), 0.975) ]
% median(rhodr(:,1))
% [ quantile(rhodr(:,1), 0.025) , quantile(rhodr(:,1), 0.975) ]
% median(rhodr(:,2))
% [ quantile(rhodr(:,2), 0.025) , quantile(rhodr(:,2), 0.975) ]
% median(rhodr(:,3))
% [ quantile(rhodr(:,3), 0.025) , quantile(rhodr(:,3), 0.975) ]
% median(mean(hdr, 1))
% [ quantile(mean(hdr, 1), 0.025) , quantile(mean(hdr, 1), 0.975) ]
% median(sigu2dr)
% [ quantile(sigu2dr, 0.025) , quantile(sigu2dr, 0.975) ]

Analysis of the log-volatilities (maps)

median(mean(hdr, 1))
ans = 3.1475
[ quantile(mean(hdr, 1), 0.025) , quantile(mean(hdr, 1), 0.975) ]
ans = 1×2
3.1307 3.1647
hdr_median_mat = zeros(n, T);
for t_id = 1:T;
for n_id = 1:n;
hdr_median_mat(n_id, t_id) = median(hdr((t_id - 1)*n + n_id, :));
find(median(hdr_median_mat, 2) > 4.70) % 52
ans = 52
find(median(hdr_median_mat, 2) < 2) % 65
ans = 2×1
65 103
find(datetime(char(time_idx((t1+1):t2))) == datetime('2021-06-26')) % 177
ans = 177
find(datetime(char(time_idx((t1+1):t2))) == datetime('2021-12-06')) % 340
ans = 340
highlight_latitude1 = [coords(52,2)]; % Example highlighted latitudes
highlight_longitude1 = [coords(52,3)]; % Example highlighted longitudes
highlight_latitude2 = [coords(65,2)]; % Example highlighted latitudes
highlight_longitude2 = [coords(65,3)]; % Example highlighted longitudes
highlight_names1 = {'Station 52'}; % Example location names
highlight_names2 = {'Station 65'}; % Example location names
bottom = min(min(min(hdr_median_mat(:,177))),min(min(hdr_median_mat(:,340))));
top = max(max(max(hdr_median_mat(:,177))),max(max(hdr_median_mat(:,340))));
p_median = geoscatter(coords(:,2)', coords(:,3)', 50, median(hdr_median_mat, 2), "filled");
geobasemap 'streets-light';
hold off;
title('Posterior median of h','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
p_july = geoscatter(coords(:,2)', coords(:,3)', 50, hdr_median_mat(:,177), "filled");hold on;
caxis manual
caxis([bottom top]);
highlight = geoscatter(highlight_latitude1, highlight_longitude1, 120, 'r', 'o', 'LineWidth', 2); % Use a larger size and a red color
text(highlight_latitude1 + 0.05, highlight_longitude1, highlight_names1, 'Color', 'r', 'FontSize', 12);
highlight = geoscatter(highlight_latitude2, highlight_longitude2, 120, 'r', 's', 'LineWidth', 2); % Use a larger size and a red color
text(highlight_latitude2 + 0.05, highlight_longitude2, highlight_names2, 'Color', 'r', 'FontSize', 12);
geobasemap 'streets-light';
hold off;
title('Posterior median of h (2021-06-26)','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
p_december = geoscatter(coords(:,2)', coords(:,3)', 50, hdr_median_mat(:,340), "filled");hold on;
caxis manual
caxis([bottom top]);
highlight = geoscatter(highlight_latitude1, highlight_longitude1, 120, 'm', 'o', 'LineWidth', 2); % Use a larger size and a red color
text(highlight_latitude1 + 0.05, highlight_longitude1, highlight_names1, 'Color', 'm', 'FontSize', 12);
highlight = geoscatter(highlight_latitude2, highlight_longitude2, 120, 'm', 's', 'LineWidth', 2); % Use a larger size and a red color
text(highlight_latitude2 + 0.05, highlight_longitude2, highlight_names2, 'Color', 'm', 'FontSize', 12);
geobasemap 'streets-light';
hold off;
title('Posterior median of h (2021-12-06)','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
time_idx = string(unique(time));
ts1 = timeseries(median(hdr_median_mat, 1), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts2 = timeseries(quantile(hdr_median_mat, 0.05, 1), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts3 = timeseries(quantile(hdr_median_mat, 0.95, 1), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts1.Name = 'Posterior median of h';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts1.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
ts2.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts2.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts2.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
ts3.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts3.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts3.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
p_median_h = plot(ts1, "-", 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
plot(ts2, "--", 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
plot(ts3, "--", 'LineWidth', 1, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
grid on;
hold off;
title('Posterior median of h','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');
time_idx = string(unique(time));
ts1 = timeseries(hdr_median_mat(52,:), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts2 = timeseries(hdr_median_mat(65,:), char(time_idx((t1+1):t2)));
ts1.Name = 'Posterior median of h';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts2.TimeInfo.Units = "days";
ts1.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts2.TimeInfo.StartDate = '2021-01-01';
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
ts2.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
p_time = plot(ts1, "-", 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
plot(ts2, "-", 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', [0,0,0.6]); hold on;
xline(datetime('2021-06-26'),'r',{'2021-06-26'}, 'LineWidth', 2);
xline(datetime('2021-12-06'),'m',{'2021-12-06'}, 'LineWidth', 2);
scatter(datetime('2021-06-26'), hdr_median_mat(43,177), 100, 'r', "o", 'LineWidth', 2);
scatter(datetime('2021-06-26'), hdr_median_mat(65,177), 100, 'r', "s", 'LineWidth', 2);
scatter(datetime('2021-12-06'), hdr_median_mat(43,340), 100, 'm', "o", 'LineWidth', 2);
scatter(datetime('2021-12-06'), hdr_median_mat(65,340), 100, 'm', "s", 'LineWidth', 2);
grid on;
hold off;
title('Posterior median of h (Stations 52 and 65)','FontSize', 14, 'interpreter', 'latex');


function [Sdr, hdr, sigu2dr, muhdr, psidr, count_psi] = PSSV_10MH_packg(y, ...
W, R1, R2, a0, b0, mh0, iVmh0, tau, h, psi, sigu2, mu_h)
% input:
% R1: burn-in's
% R2: held-in's
% # hyperparameters #
% a0 : shape parameter for the IG
% b0 : scale parameter for the IG
% muh0: mean of the prior for mu_h
% iVh0: precision of the prior for mu_h
% tau : uniform(-1/tau, 1/tau) (spectral radius of W)
% # initial values #
% h : initial nT \times 1 vector of latent log-volatilities
% psi : initial value of spatial auto-regressive parameters
% sigu2 : initial variance of u_i's
% mu_h : initial n \times 1 vector of mean for h's
N = length(y);
n = size(W, 1);
T = N/n;
pk = length(psi);
cc = 0.6/2.38^2;
R = R1 + R2;
count_psi = 0;
Sdr = zeros(N, R2);
hdr = zeros(N, R2);
sigu2dr = zeros(R2, 1);
muhdr = zeros(n, R2);
psidr = zeros(R2, pk);
% AMH initialization for psi
CovPsi = zeros(R+1, pk);
CovPsi(1, :) = psi';
% -- normal mixture components
pj = [.00609 .04775 .13057 .20674 .22715 .18842 .12047 .05591 .01575 .00115];
mj = [1.92677 1.34744 .73504 .02266 -.85173 -1.97278 -3.46788 -5.55246 -8.68384 -14.65000];
sigj2 = [.11265 .17788 .26768 .40611 .62699 .98583 1.57469 2.54498 4.16591 7.33342];
sigj = sqrt(sigj2);
ystar = log(y.^2);
for isim = 1:R
% -- sample mixture component indicators
% (from a 10-component discrete distribution)
tmprd = rand([N 1]);
q = repmat(pj, [N 1]).*normpdf(repmat(ystar, [1 10]),...
repmat(h, [1 10]) + repmat(mj, [N 1]),...
repmat(sigj, [N 1]));
q = q./repmat(sum(q, 2), [1 10]);
S = 10 - sum(repmat(tmprd, [1 10]) < cumsum(q, 2), 2) + 1;
% -- sample h
d_s = mj(S)';
iSig_s = sparse(1:N, 1:N, 1./sigj2(S));
krho = K_rho(psi, W, n);
ki_rho = krho\speye(n);
[tmp_i, tmp_m, tmp_l, tmp_o] = OMi(psi, W, ki_rho, n);
tmp_a = blockdiag(tmp_i, kron(speye(T-2), tmp_m), tmp_l);
tmp_b = kron(sparse(1:(T-1), 2:T, 1, T, T), tmp_o);
Om = tmp_a + tmp_b + tmp_b';
Omi = Om./sigu2; % Omega^\star
Bh = (iSig_s + Omi);
Bmh = kron(ones([T 1]), mu_h);
bhat = Bh\(Omi*Bmh + iSig_s*(ystar - d_s));
h = bhat + chol(Bh, 'lower')'\randn([N 1]);
% -- sample mu_h
s_Oi = ((tmp_i + (T-2).*tmp_m + tmp_l) + (T-1).*tmp_o + (T-1).*tmp_o')./sigu2;
Vmhat = (iVmh0 + s_Oi);
Muhhat = Vmhat\(iVmh0*mh0 + sum(reshape(Omi*h, [n T]), 2));
mu_h = Muhhat + chol(Vmhat,'lower')'\randn([n 1]);
% -- sample sigu2
hm = h - kron(ones([T 1]), mu_h);
J_rho = kron(speye(T), (speye(n) - psi(1).*W)) +...
kron(sparse(2:T,1:(T-1),1,T,T), -1.*(psi(2).*speye(n) + psi(3).*W));
Pi_rho = blockdiag(ki_rho, speye(n*(T-1)));
sigu2 = 1/gamrnd(a0 + N/2, 1/(b0 + ((hm'*(J_rho'*Pi_rho*J_rho)*hm)/2)));
% -- sample psi via AMH step (rho in the paper)
lpsi_i = llike_psi(psi, h, mu_h, sigu2, n, T, W);
accept = 0;
while (accept == 0)
if (isim <= 2*pk)
psic = psi + sqrt(0.1^2/pk).*randn([pk 1]);
V_psi = cov(CovPsi(1:isim,:));
% check pos-def ness
[Vps, Dps] = eig(V_psi);
dd = diag(Dps);
for ij = 1:length(dd)
if dd(ij) <= 1e-10
dd(ij) = 1e-10;
V_psi = Vps*(diag(dd))*Vps';
uf = double(rand() < .95);
psic = uf*(psi + chol(cc*(2.38^2/pk).*V_psi,'lower')*randn([pk 1])) +...
(1-uf)*(psi + sqrt(0.1^2/pk).*randn([pk 1]));
% check the stability
if (sum(abs(psic)) < (1/tau))
accept = 1;
lpsi_c = llike_psi(psic, h, mu_h, sigu2, n, T, W);
if (lpsi_c - lpsi_i) > exp(1)
pp = 1;
ratio = exp(lpsi_c - lpsi_i);
pp = min(1, ratio);
if (rand() < pp)
psi = psic;
count_psi = count_psi + 1;
CovPsi(isim + 1, :) = psi';
if (count_psi/isim < 0.4), cc = cc/1.05; end
if (count_psi/isim > 0.6), cc = cc*1.05; end
% -- store keepers
if isim > R1
Sdr(:, isim-R1) = S;
hdr(:, isim-R1) = h;
sigu2dr(isim-R1) = sigu2;
muhdr(:, isim-R1) = mu_h;
psidr(isim-R1, :) = psi';
function Krho = K_rho(psi, W, n)
rho1 = psi(1);
rho2 = psi(2);
rho3 = psi(3);
Sin = (speye(n) - rho1.*W)\speye(n);
An = rho2.*speye(n) + rho3.*W;
tmp1 = An*Sin;
tmp2 = tmp1*tmp1';
for j = 2:15
tmp1 = tmp1*(An*Sin);
tmp2 = tmp2 + tmp1*tmp1';
Krho = tmp2;
function [tmp_i, tmp_m, tmp_l, tmp_o] = OMi(psi, W, ki_rho, n)
rho1 = psi(1);
rho2 = psi(2);
rho3 = psi(3);
Sn = (speye(n) - rho1.*W);
An = rho2.*speye(n) + rho3.*W;
tmp_i = (Sn'*ki_rho*Sn + An'*An);
tmp_m = (Sn'*Sn + An'*An);
tmp_l = (Sn'*Sn);
tmp_o = -(An'*Sn);
function llk = llike_psi(PSI, h, mu_h, sigu2, n, T, W)
Sn = (speye(n) - PSI(1).*W);
krho = K_rho(PSI, W, n);
ki_rho = krho\speye(n);
[tmp_i, tmp_m, tmp_l, tmp_o] = OMi(PSI, W, ki_rho, n);
tmp_a = blockdiag(tmp_i, kron(speye(T-2), tmp_m), tmp_l);
tmp_b = kron(sparse(1:(T-1), 2:T, 1, T, T), tmp_o);
Om = tmp_a + tmp_b + tmp_b';
Omi = Om./sigu2;
Bmh = kron(ones([T 1]), mu_h);
llk = -(n*T)*log(sigu2)/2 + T*log(det(Sn)) - log(det(krho))/2 - ((h - Bmh)'*Omi*(h - Bmh))/2;